Frequently Asked Questions
Q) What is a Pre-Owned Part (PoP) part?
Q) Where do they come from?
Q) Are they in stock?
A) Yes, they are in stock and available for immediate shipment, but availability is subject to material planning / availability. 
Q) Who can order them?
Q) How do I order them?
  A)  Yes, all PoP parts are serialized and there are special stamps the repair center is using on all parts that have been identified as PoP parts.
Q) What is the warranty?
Q) Are they upgraded?
Q) What is the price?
Q) How is a PoP part different than a refurbished part?
Q) What is
Q) Who owns Pre-Owned Parts as a product?
Q) How are they tested?
Q) Can there be discounts?
Q) Is there a core credit?
Q) Are there risks with buying PoP parts?
Q) Why are ABB PoP parts better than the other 3rd party surplus (junk) dealers.
A) Several reasons. 
More Secure: ABB has more secure sourcing channels than the 3rd party market who buys from anyone and everyone.  ABB does a better job of cleaning and testing parts, removing the risk of customers getting parts with performance issues or problems. 
Better Availability: ABB offers customers a single source of supply.  All parts can be bought from one source, lowering the costs associated with searching for parts on the internet, creating multiple purchase orders for parts of questionable quality.  Our stocking level on common surplus items is better.  We have technical support available.
Better Support:  No one knows these products better than the OEM.  We still provide technical support, parts knowledge, with a global reach.